Develop an Upskill Training Program that Delivers Value

Training Values: Skill development and employee training programs can make a huge positive impact on your organization, if approached the right way.

Companies today need to drive performance from every aspect of their IT sectors. Highly trained professionals from SILVADEW attain the skills and ability to drive company performance. Investment in training has incredible returns. Not only does training support developing skills, but it also shows employees that they are valuable.


Importance of Silvadew training?

Training is important because it represents a good opportunity for trainees to grow their knowledge base and improve their job skills to become more effective in the workplace. Despite the cost of training the return on investment is immense if it is consistent. From a Silvadew’s point of view, the less experience you have, the cheaper you are to hire.

The mordern learner learns as needed, anywhere, anytime!

Core Value of Silvadew Training

Organic growth 

Our focus is to mentor all our trainees to attain a growth rate where a company can achieve the best and knowledgeable employees for a better productivity.  In basic terms, it’s the expansion of a firm using qualified and highly trained personnel to boost productivity and profitability. 

Increased productivity and performance
When trainees complete Silvadew training, it improves their skills and knowledge of the job and builds their confidence in their abilities. This will improve their performance and make them work more efficiently and effectively.


Boosted morale

Most people we help either by coaching or training programs feels like their acquired knowledge grants them the ability to be part of a work environment where they are appreciated. This mindset helps boost their morale and make them approach their job duties with more self-confidence.

Benefits of a skilled workforce training with Silvadew

The benefits of taking training with Silvadew include:

  • 76% increase in customer satisfaction among companies
  •  Skill levels elevate which increases self-confidence and productivity
  • 35% reduction in time spent searching for job opportunities
  •  72% faster when attaining an interview
  • 75-80% of managers believe effective training is critical to project success and meeting project deadlines